
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

👑 Taj Al Waqar means The Noble Crown 👑

As Narrated From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alayhi wa sallam said,

 يجىء القرآن يوم القيامة فيقول يا رب حله فيلبس تاج الكرامة ثم يقول يا رب زده فيلبس حلة الكرامة ثم يقول يا رب ارض عنه فيرضى عنه فيقال له اقرأ وارق وتزاد بكل آية حسنة

 The Koran will come on the Day of Judgment, then he says, "O Allah, give him the jewels."  Then Allah gave a hafidz al-Quran the crown of glory.  The Koran asks again, "O Allah, add it for him."  Then he was given an outfit of glory.  Then he asked again, "O God, be pleased with him."  Allah loves him too.  Then it is said to the Quran memorization, "Read and ascend, will be added to you the reward of each verse you read.  (HR. Turmudzi 3164 and he judges Hasan saheeh).

❤️ Taj Al Waqar is an Online Channel specifically designed for women and children, it's purpose being to teach the Al-Quran for free. All interaction is  through the Zoom Cloud Meeting applications.  This channel was founded in 2014 by an Ustadha from the Middle East.

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