Tawhid Book: Al-Mulakhosh fii Syarhi Kitaab At-Tauhiid (English) #1

- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم -


Tawhid Book Written by Syaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab

Teacher: ustadha Sarah Al 'Odah  حفظهاالله


We will examine another great book. 

Today will have an introduction and next week we start studying it.

Kitab Al-Mulakhosh fii Syarhi Kitaab At-Tauhiid written by Asy-Syaikh Ad-Duktuur Sholih ibn Fauzan ibn Abdillah Al-Fauzan.

First we need to examine the importance of Tawhid. What does tawhid mean to you?

Tawhid includes:
1️⃣Tawhid Roboubiya
2️⃣Tawhid Ilouhiya (worship) 
3️⃣Tawhid Allah's Names and Attributes

▶️Tawhid Roboubiya: is tawhid Allah with His acts.
▶️Tawhid Olouhiya: Through worship of creations.
▶️Tawhid Allah's Names and Attributes is through Knowing these Names and Attributes and that they are specific to God only. 

1.The honor of science is with the honor of the known; What is known here in the science of monotheism is God Almighty by his names, qualities and deeds, and what he and what most of him have for; For the honor of this information, the science of monotheism became the most honorable science.
2. Our need for twahid is crucial and more important than any other need in this life. 

If there is little tawhid (the size of a mustard grain) in our hearts, this will save us from being eternal in hellfire. 

Tawhid is a condition to accept our deeds. Without which Allah won't accept whatever good deeds we do. But bad deeds with tawhid can save us 

Tawhid free us from being slaves to human beings and Jinns to become slaves of Allah. 

This will free us from fearing other creatures like jinns and dead persons, and be safe with Allah. This garantee peace and tranquility for our hearts. 

Tawhid and faith is the most important work we do, this was according to the prophet hadith. Allah orders us not to make any partner for him.

📌So Allah orders us to worship him Alone without any partner, and all the prophets were sent to spread tawhid.

Now we move to reasons behind studying tawhid:

1. To follow the prophets in educating people about tawhid. 

2. Tawhid (unifying Allah) is a condition for accepting our good deeds, and it saves our worship from shirk

3. It protects us from falling in innovations (buda'a) and shirk.

4. It saves us from falling in fitnah and disobedience.

5. To reject ignorance and better know Allah and how to worship Him in the acceptable way.

The next point are the benifits of Tawhid. 

Tawhid (Monotheism) has great virtues, good effects, beautiful results, and ripe fruits, including the following: 

1. The best of the world and the hereafter is one of the virtues and fruits of monotheism.
When we pray Allah and practise tawhid appropriately, we will get the best things in dunya and Akhira.

2. Monotheism is the greatest reason for relieving the misfortunes of this world and the hereafter, by which God pays punishments in both worlds, and with it He spreads blessings and good deeds.

3. Pure monotheism brings complete security in this world and the hereafter. God Almighty said: {Those who believed and did not clothe their faith with wrong doing, it is for them security and they are guided.

4. He gets full guidance and success for every reward and spoil.

🗞️Narrated 'Ubada:

The Prophet said, "If anyone testifies that None has the right to be worshipped but Allah Alone Who has no partners, and that Muhammad is His Slave and His Apostle, and that Jesus is Allah's Slave and His Apostle and His Word which He bestowed on Mary and a Spirit created by Him, and that Paradise is true, and Hell is true, Allah will admit him into Paradise with the deeds which he had done even if those deeds were few." (Junada, the sub-narrator said, " 'Ubada added, 'Such a person can enter Paradise through any of its eight gates he likes.") 

🗞️Abdullah, may God be pleased with them, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said:

“Whoever dies does not associate anything with God will enter Paradise.” (Muslim)

Monotheism is the greatest reason for attaining the pleasure and reward of God, and the happiest people through the intercession of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him:

“He who says there is no god but God is pure from his heart or himself.”

The strongest is tawhid and faithfulness the more accepted our deeds. 


10. All deeds, outward and inward sayings depend on their acceptance and perfection, and the arrangement of reward for them for tawheed, the more strong monotheism and devotion to God these matters are completed and completed.

11. It makes it easier for the servant to do good deeds, forsakes evils, and entertains him from misfortunes. Why does he hope for the reward and pleasure of his Lord, and humiliates him by abandoning what the soul desires of sins; Why fear of God's wrath and punishment.

12. Monotheism, if complete in the heart, this increases the love of God and faith and its adornment in our heart, and it rejects disbelief, immorality and disobedience in our hearts, and makes us righteous.

Monotheism relieves the slave's hate and reduces his pain, because according to the perfection of monotheism in the slave's heart he receives the misfortune and the pain with an open heart and a reassuring soul, and surrender and contentment with the painful destinies of God, and it is one of the greatest causes of relieving chest.

The servant shall be freed from the tenderness of created beings and attachment to them, their fear and their hope, and work for them, and this is true glory and high honor, and he is nevertheless a worshiper of God who does not hope for nothing but Him, and fears nothing but Him, and thus his prosperity is achieved, and his success is achieved. 

If monotheism is perfected in the heart, and is fully realized with complete sincerity, then it becomes a little of the servant’s deeds much, and his deeds and good sayings are multiplied without limitation, and no account.

Don't worry we will go bit by bit with this book of tawhid. 

I'll send videos on tawhid in telegram! 

🌟God guarantees conquest to the people of monotheism, victory in this world, glory and honor, attainment of guidance, facilitation for the left, reform of conditions, and payment in words and deeds.
🌟God Almighty defends the monotheists, the people of faith, the evils of this world and the Hereafter, and blesses them with a good life, peace of mind for Him, and mankind by remembering Him. 

🗞️Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy on him, said: 

“The hearts have no pleasure and complete pleasure except in the love of God Almighty, and being close to Him with what He loves, and the love of God is only completed by turning away from every beloved except him, and this is true, there is no god but God".


From which fitna can tawhid saves us?
All types of fitna like arrogance, following astray and extremist movements, shirk.


What if after hearing that a person who has faith even if only a single atom will not last in hell, then this makes them to take it easy in disobeying Allah?

Sins are different from shirk. Each person will be rewarded according to his deeds. The persons who takes it easy in committing sins and disobedience of course will be punished based in his deeds.

No wise person will accept to enter hell and be punished.

Can we tell a person to become Muslim then we educate him about Haram and Halal?

We have to teach him everything about Islam from the beginning.

We give him a book about all the rituals of Islam. 

First we educate him about tawhid and how to worship God following Quran and the Prophet's teachings. We inform him about halal and Haram, and all acts of obedience and disobedience. All of this right from the beginning.

Your qustion concerns matters of destiny (quadaa and Quadar). We have a full chapter in this. But I'll send you a short answer.


🕰️ Ahad, 30 November 2020/15 Robi' ul Akhir 1442 H
📝 Translator: Wafa Chelgoum, حفظها الله 

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