Seerah : The Battle of Mu'tah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم -


Teacher: ustadha Heba Shareef حفظهاالله


Bismilahi Rahmani rahim.

The Battle of Mu'tah (غزوة مُؤْتَة‎ Ghazwah Muʿtah) was fought near the village of Mu'tah between Muslims and the forces of the Byzantine Empire and their Arab Christian Ghassanid vassals.

This was a hard battle in which, for the first time, the Prophet appointed 3 commanders. He appointed Zayd ibn Harithah as commander of the army and instructed: "If Zayd is wounded or killed, Ja’far ibn Abu Talib will take over the command. If Ja'far is killed or wounded, Abdullah ibn Rawahah will take his place. If Abdullah is killed, then let the Muslims appoint themselves a commander."

Before leaving Medina, the Prophet instructed the Muslims (in the Army) to fight for God's sake and not to betray, not to kill a woman, child, or an old person, an isolated religious person, not to destroy a house or a palm tree or a tree. These are War good manners and war ethics distinguishing Muslims from others. Even in fighting, Muslims should show high values and ethics. These are very important in Islam,

This was a difficult battle, 3000 Muslims to fight 200000 Roman and Ghassanid soldiers.
In battle the three commanders were killed.
One of the commanders was a poet "Abdullah Ibn Rawaha". Before going to battle he was crying as he remembered what the Prophet said about Djahanam (hell), then he said some poems seeking "rahma" and maghfirah from God. Then he prayed God to give him "Shahada".

  Abdullah Ibn Rawaha at first hesitated before entering the battle, after the two commanders (Zayd Ibn Haritha, and Ja'afar Ibn Abi Talib) were killed. Because of that temprory and instant hesitation (for a very short period of time), Ibn Rawaha was rewarder less grade in paradise than Zayd and Ja'afar.
Ja'afar was named "Attayar" because Jibril alayhi salam informed the Prophet that Ja'afar was flying in paradise with two wings that God gave him instead of his arms cut in the battle while trying to protect the Islam Banner.

After the killing of the 3 commanders, Muslims appointed Khalid Ibn ElWalid. He has new converter but he was very skillful in war tactics. In that battle he has 9 swards (big and heavy swards) broken in his hand, this shows how hard the battle was.
Khalid was named by the prophet "Sayf Allah" (the Award of God).
Even Khalid was new in Islam, this didn't prevent him from becoming the commander of the army. He was the appropriate man in the right place. Islam gives importance to right and appropriate deeds and not to age and period spent in Islam.

Khalid was indeed the right person. The day after tricked the Roman army by making me understand that they received reinforcement from Medina (by changing the organisation of the army). This plan worked and the Roman were terrified and a huge number of them were killed, while just 12 Muslims were killed. After that Khalid was sure that the battle was really hard and reinforcement from the Medina wasn't possible. He decided to withdraw but safely. He saved Muslims.


📝 Translator by Ouafa Chelgoum

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