Jehad Against Lust (2)

 - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم -


Teacher: ustadha Om Mo'adz حفظهاالله


🌾 The teacher started with asking Allah for useful knowledge, good fortune and accepted deeds.

What is the meaning by starting from haram months and ended with haram months; which is called syahrul hurum. Because Allah wants us to repent. Ask Allah for forgiveness.

✒️ Hijra (migrate) means : You leave every immortality, move from immortality to obedience.

The person who leaves the sin, his chest will be spacious and get the happiness. But those who did immortality, his heart will feel narrow because of the sins he did. Since the obedience will eliminate varioous pleasures.

📜 Ibn Al Qayyim said :

"Obligatory hijra (emigrate) is coming towards Lord and the prophet. Not only by our body but also by our hearts. Allah said, "Then hurry (run) back to obey Allah."

✒️ All human being have lust, have a desire for something. But pay attention and see if it is halal or not.

⛔ Dont follow your desire in everything. Such as clothing, foods, and drinks.

❗But you should weigh it with law of Allah.

📜 When Salman walked to Abu Darda's house, he saw umm Darda' using wrinkled clothes.

Salman also asked him, "Why are you like that?"

The woman replied, "Your brother (Abu Darda) has no more desire for the world".

Then Abu Darda came, and he made food for Salman. After that,  Abu Darda said to Salman, "Eat, because I am fasting."

Salman replied, "I will not eat until you eat." So Abu Darda ate.

At night, Abu Darda got up to say the night prayers. Salman also said to him, "Go to sleep!" Abu Darda went back to sleep.

When Abu Darda woke up to say the evening prayer, Salman again said to him, "Go to sleep!"

Until the end of the night, Salman said, "Get up." Then they prayed together.

After that, Salman said to him, "Truly for your Lord ,there are rights, for you there are rights, and for your family there are rights too. So fulfill each of these rights."

Then Abu Darda went to the Prophet ﷺ and told him what had just happened.

He then said, "Salman is right"

📜 Written in hikma of abu Dawud :

Obligation of  a rational person is not neglect 4 times :

  1. Time to pray/du'a to Allah,]
  2. Self evaluating (muhasabah),
  3. Time with human, and ;
  4. Time to enjoy yourself in the good way (halal)

🌷 Ihsan is worshiping Lord as if you see Him. And if you can not see Him, in fact The Lord sees you"

Becareful when you are in state of neglect, remember that Allah sees you! ❗

🌷The Hadith tells us that a servant who worships Allah like this (ihsan), he presenting his heart close to Allah, as if he see Allah.

It will increase fear and exaltation and love for Allah.

If you do not reach this high level, it means you are below it. It named warning manzilah, the state when you don't see Lord but you have to know that Allah see you.

✒️ Be careful from following your desire. Count it before make it happen. Is it according to sharia (law of islam).

Caution :

❗Be careful from denying your Lord's orders, especially when facing your desire which is againts the sharia❗

🌷 *The greatest jehad is jehad againts lust.* It requires patience,and the help exist with patience.

📍Say more and more du'a :

 يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ

_“O the Most Turning hearts, strengthen my heart above Your religion"_

Indeed the heart (qalb) is called qalb because it often goes back and forth.❤️

📍Rasulullah always prayed :

يا مقــلـب لقــلــوب ثبــت قــلبـــي عــلى طـا عــتـك

'Yaa Muqallibal Quluub, Tsabbit Qalbi ‘Ala Ta'atik'

"O The one who turn the heart, strengthen my heart above obedience to you"

[Riwaya Muslim, No. 2654]

📍The Prophet ﷺ once said:

اَللهُمَّ لَا عَيْشَ إِلَّا عَيْشَ الْآخِرَةِ

"O Allah, there is no life except the afterlife."

Always introspect yourself, as the Prophet reminded himself.


"Allah does not add to a servant with his forgiveness (to his brother,) except glory (in this world and the hereafter)."

🌼 What increases the glory of a forgiving person in the world is that he is honored and exalted in the hearts of humans, because of his nature that is easy to forgive others, while in the hereafter with the amount of reward and virtue in the sight of Allah Ta'ala.

📍Among the greatest prayers are :

اهدنا الصراط المستقيم

"Guide us to the straight path"

🎀 The great Taqwa is devotion of heart.

🎀 We ask for guidance, guidance in clothing, guidance in recitation of the Quran, etc. It means that you have prayed for all humans to get guidance.

📍(Al-Ankaboot, 29:69)

وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا ۚ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَمَعَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

"And those who strive for Us. We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good"

✒️ "Wa Innallaha Lama'al Muhsinin" (Allah with those who are ihsan), and remember what the level of ihsan is.

🌼 That Allah is almighty to revive a dead heart. So don't despair of asking for guidance. This is related to the prayer 'Ihdinaas shirootol mustaqim'

📍"Among the signs of goodness in one's Islam is leaving things that are not beneficial to him" 

(At-tirmidzi No. 2318)

✒️ *Asyhadualla ilaha illallah* (I bear witness that there is no true god to be worshiped except Allah). 

Say it when you are absolutely sure!

🎀 Ustadzah reminded us to pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters wherever they are.


🕰️ Friday, 02 Muharram 1442 H/ 21 August 2020

📝 Translator by sister Irmania

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