3 Fundamental Things (Sharh Al-Ushul Ats-stsalatsah)

- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم -


Teacher: ustadha Sarah Al 'Odah حفظهاالله


❗ The one who believes just in some parts of Quran is not a believer.

🍄 How is belief in Messengers?

We must believe in all prophets/Messengers without exception.

❗ The one who doesn't believe in one Messenger means that he doesn't believe in the rest of them.

🍄 How is believe in the hereafter Day?

Believing in the hereafter Day means to believe in after death.

Everything after death in details. Starting from death to paradise or hell

It's called the hereafter or the last Day because it's after the first day which is the present life (dunya).

We must not doubt in anything of what will happen after death.

Believe in destiny/ fate, everything is predestined by God. Anything happened to us can't be prevented by anyone and something which is not predestined for us no one can make it happen.

🍄 Believe in destiny includes 4 ranks/grades what are these grades?

The 4 ranks are :

  • Knowledge
  • Writing
  • Will
  • Creating

We must believe in all 4 ranks of belief in destiny.

The last point in revision.

🌹(Al-Baqarah, 2:177)

"It is not righteousness that you turn your faces Towards east or West; but it"

What is meant by 'Al-bir' in these verses?

✒️ Make good deeds which lead to paradise. Everything good in included in 'bir' and 'takwa'.

🍓 One more thing. 

Believe in destiny : Everything created isn't random but is written in Lawh Mahfud and known to God before.

We've just finished Iman (belief).

Next week we'll deal with Ihsan. InshaaAllah.



🍍 Our sister is asking :

"One who doesn't make prayer because if laziness, is she/he kaffir?"

Ustadza is answering :

🍓 "The one who doesn't accept prayer (Salat) and doesn't believe in it is a disbeliever (kaffir), this is agreed upon by all scholars.

🍓 "The one who rejects prayer by laziness here the scholars have 2 views :

🔹Those who consider this person as kaffir, and;

🔹Those who consider him as a disobedient

❗Salat is great and the prophet said that Salat is the difference between us (Muslims) and them (Koffar).

🍃 A woman was asked by her doctor to take her scarf (hijab) off her head to cure, this is obligation it's accepted but she should not take it as an excuse.

💚 May God bless you.


🕰️ 27 Dzulhijjah 1441 H/ 17 Agustus 2020

📝 Translator by Ouafa Chelgoum

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